Hellbender logo

Things to think about after the spring picnic:

Would we like to form an umbrella group for the greater Madison area (or southern Wisconsin) like the Greater Philadelphia Coalition of Reason? With at least 3 founding organizations, we can get support from the national United Coalition of Reason.

Would parents with school age children like to invite Dale McGowan to Madison for a Parentling Beyond Belief seminar? Our public library system has 8 copies of his 2009 book, Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief and 4 copies of the 2007 Parenting Beyond Belief: On Raising Ethical, Caring Kids Without Religion for which he was editor.
With seminar requests from more than 100 cities, it may be some time before McGowan can come to Madison. He has begun to post a series of videos on a YouTube channel at Parenting Beyond Belief videos. Would Madison area parents be interested in forming a Parenting Beyond Belief Support Group that would meet to discuss these videos and the books?

Should we adopt the hellbender (a harmless aquatic salamander brought to our attention by a Camp Quest kid) as a symbol or logo for joint events such as this?

To get involved, email humanistunion@gmail.com.
